So amy and austin just got home from school and we were all watching tv in the family room. Me and amy were sitting on one couch and austin was sitting on a different couch. I whispered to amy to look at my computer, on the screen was this blog and amy smiled! I said go to the website and look at it. She said umm nah. So i said you don't want to look at it? Thinking austin was in his own little world he says...
aust: look at what?
me: oh just a cute shirt i found online.
aust: amy don't you want to look at it?
amy: not right now.
aust: i'll look at it courtney.
me: oh i already off the internet... thanks though bud!
aust: amy that is rude not to look.
me: ya amy listen to austin!
amy: well at least im not a liar... ha ha
aust: amy i look at all of your clothes when you get them.
and then he throws out...
if santa was real you would be on the naughty list amy! And asked me if i agreed.
ha ha i was laughing so hard! i though it was so funny he was making this big deal about amy "not looking at a cute shirt online"
Oh austin i love you! You make my life full of laughs!